Finding out.

“Actually, I think there’s three.”

On Feb 5, 2018 I knew I was pregnant. However, it had taken over 6 months to happen, and I continued to get negative home tests. I called my OB since my cycle was a week late and they had me come in for blood work. Later that afternoon, it was confirmed. Finally, a little brother or sister for sweet Elise.

We waited excitedly for the first ultrasound. In that first month, I was sick. But I was sick last time, I expected it. I was convinced it was the same. Ben was not. Our family trip to Vermont was complicated by my lack of ability to eat. Ben wasn’t able to make it to the first scan for Lisey, and I remember seeing that tiny nugget waving her hands already and just losing it. He had to come to this one.

So, on March 5, 2018 we went in for a “quick” dating scan and OB appointment. We joked on the way in about people finding out they’re having twins and needing to get a minivan. I only had 3 ultrasounds with Elise, but as a nurse found it easy to see most things and understand what it was. Early ultrasounds are done with a vaginal probe which the technician hands to you to insert into yourself before they take over. I inserted it. I looked at the screen. There were two bubbles. “Oh God, there’s two” I said to the tech as I handed it to her. She wiggled it a bit, made a few faces…

“Actually, I think there’s three.”

Now I honestly don’t remember everything after this. Its fragmented. I know I started shaking like a leaf. I know I heard Ben say “We’re having f***ing triplets?!”. I know I just thought of my poor sweet Elise, my whole world, and how her world was about to get flipped.

The RN brain speaks up. It’s super early, this is not necessarily going to stick, one or two could get absorbed, are they even all alive?

Ben makes some joke about a basketball team, I tell him to shut up. I just want to know if they all have healthy heart rates.

Of course they do. They’re perfect. They’re measuring to be 7 weeks and 3 days gestation. Of course my blood pressure is a bit high in the exam room with Dr Kenny. Of course I find a great OB that I like and then have to transfer to MFM for high risk care.

Of course we wrap up the plan for another viability scan in a week and go eat at El Rodeo. Ben walks in and says to the host, “Just two.” I die inside. We laugh. You mean 5, buddy.

Holy moly. Now what???

That night, the three of us had a cuddle on the couch, and Lisey must have sensed something was up. She comes out with the cutest head shaking and “Don’t worry mom, don’t worry Da. It’s be okay.” Thank God for that girl.