6 Months Already?!

Well people, I have failed as a blogger.

I haven’t kept up since the kiddos were tiny. I honestly don’t care if 1 person reads this. It just helps me to get it out. After 6 months of imprisonment… I mean, graciously mothering triplets… I have A LOT to work out. So as I (hourly) flit between my bed and the Little Man Cave tonight, I’ll start chipping away.


I’ve transitioned to a dangerous mama bear. I’m sorry(not sorry), but it’s my way or the highway and I don’t care who it offends. I have too many pieces of my heart on the outside to allow anything I’m not okay with.

These 6 months have brought a lot of good and bad. Good: We’ve had healthy kids, I’ve provided them with mostly breast milk, we’ve not bought a diaper yet, they’ve been clothed by kind donations from other mama bears, we’ve been fed by others countless times, I still have the best job in the world… we have had amazing help. Bad: we’ve had a lot of conflict and I’ve been on the brink of sanity, financially we’re looking at a lifetime of debt (and thank god for health insurance), my last good sleep was under general anesthesia with the exception of a few lovely hours covered by some very kind souls.

Before I continue rambling on like a sleep deprived prisoner… I just want to say thank you. To those who have gifted us with either money, items, food, clothes, and those who have just been supportive and understanding. This has been the hardest 6 months of our lives and there is no way we’d be here without the community of help we have. It truly takes a village.

It continues to be a struggle and every day I have a moment where I might say I hate it… but I just keep on going. Because all my babies are beautiful little souls.

Tough as a triplet mother. B9D20D1D-A12C-4AC6-B326-0A5BBC41545ERoar.


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